I can't believe another month as disappeared since my last post, but I have been busy in the meantime. I had a lightbulb moment while browsing through an old quilting magazine that struck home and touched my heart. It was an article about making small quilts for premmie babies and those that did not make it. Having had such an experience, I committed myself to making quilts for BlAnKeTs oF LoVe. SO my very first quilt has been made in memory of my Angel in Heaven : Sean David McCabe 1/6/75 - 5/6/75
It would have made such a difference to my life to have had such a beautiful gifted quilt to have cherished and to now be able to make and gift these BOLS to others is a great privilege.
My first BlAnKeT of LoVe
and my second
I'll be posting these off to Cheryl next week. In the meantime, planning my next designs, I am aiming at 2 a month where ever time permits. Hugs, Trish
A Happy Mother's Day to all reading my blog.