I have been absent from blogging for far too long, a lot has happened in those years, now getting back into it.  2016 was a horrible year, I lost my dear cousin, Ed Maguire, the brother I never had and whom I grew up with.  I also lost my only and very dear sister Mary suddenly.  To complete the 'rule of three' I said goodbye to my darling boy Kelsey, my Maltese Schitzu, after being by my side for 14 years. 
There's been lots of quilting along the way, and lots more happening.  I am just about to start a new one called the Black and White Dream.  I'll be doing this in a class environment starting later this month.  All very exciting.

Introducing Pearl

Introducing Pearl.  She is a Himalayan, a rescue cat from the RSPCA.  She's been my companion since 2013.  She is my right hand (paw) in my sewing room, whether it be removing every pin from my pin cushion or snuggling under a quilt in progress.