Cheryll at BLaNkEtS of LoVe - 5 hours ago
These two quilts were *made by Tricia* from fabric *donated by Irene. * Tricia used lovely PiNks in one and the other is made using embroidered Teddies and they are *GORGEOUS*! What a wonderful "team effort" girls... gratefully accepted and placed into the box this week. It's nearing time for my annual trip to the John Hunter Hospital in January and I am over the moon with the number and quality of the BLaNKeTs. You will all make such a difference to a family that has lost a little one. Give yourself a pat on the back *Tricia and Irene*... *you are both AnGeLs!*
It's been another busy month, I took a lesson on the 5D Quilt Design Programme with Cheryl Bryant.  We digitised 5 blocks and when stitched out gave the look of Trapunto surrounded by dense quilting.  I then used the five blocks to make a new runner for my dining table.

and to continue with my commitment to the Blankets of Love programme, I completed a further 2 quilts

and there is  now another two in the planning just waiting to turn into a 'little miracle" quilt.  It gives me great pleasure to make them and even greater pleasure knowing they will become a cherished memento.  I have to say a big thank you to my dear quilter friend, Irene Peel, (Titanium Queen Fudge) for donating fabric to the programme.

BlAnKetS oF LoVe

I can't believe another month as disappeared since my last post, but I have been busy in the meantime.  I had a lightbulb moment while browsing through an old quilting magazine that struck home and touched my heart.  It was an article about making small quilts for premmie babies and those that did not make it.  Having had such an experience, I committed myself to making quilts for BlAnKeTs oF LoVe. SO my very first quilt has been made in memory of my Angel in Heaven : Sean David McCabe   1/6/75 - 5/6/75
It would have made such a difference to my life to have had such a beautiful gifted quilt to have cherished and to now be able to make and gift these BOLS to others is a great privilege.
My first BlAnKeT of LoVe

and my second

I'll be posting these off to Cheryl next week.  In the meantime, planning my next designs,  I am aiming at 2 a month where ever time permits.  Hugs,  Trish
A Happy Mother's Day to all reading my blog.

I've finally got around to blogging again, it's been over a year since my last post about my wonderful trip to Egypt to celebrate mine and my sister's BIG birthdays.  Last year was a busy year with many visitors, the most wonderful being my sister Mary who made the long trip from England for four amazing weeks. The rest of my time has been spent making several quilts and refreshing my summer wardrobe with embroidered skirts and blouses.  I'm currently working on a Log Cabin quilt for my grandson's 18th birthday later in the year.  I've been quilting for over 20 years and this is my first L.C.  Will post a pic when it's finished.