It's been another busy month, I took a lesson on the 5D Quilt Design Programme with Cheryl Bryant.  We digitised 5 blocks and when stitched out gave the look of Trapunto surrounded by dense quilting.  I then used the five blocks to make a new runner for my dining table.

and to continue with my commitment to the Blankets of Love programme, I completed a further 2 quilts

and there is  now another two in the planning just waiting to turn into a 'little miracle" quilt.  It gives me great pleasure to make them and even greater pleasure knowing they will become a cherished memento.  I have to say a big thank you to my dear quilter friend, Irene Peel, (Titanium Queen Fudge) for donating fabric to the programme.

1 comment:

Cheryll said...

It's nice to be able to tell you how generous & special you are...
Love your's amazing!